June 28, 2023
'Cabbage' Explained

The term "cabbage" is sometimes used in the textile industry to refer to small scraps of fabric or cuttings that are left over after a garment is made. This curious term is believed to have originated in the nineteenth century, when fabric manufacturers would sell their leftover scraps to traders who would then resell them to clothing makers.
There are several theories as to how the term "cabbage" came to be associated with these fabric scraps. One theory suggests that the word is derived from the French word "cabas," which means bag or basket. This could refer to the practice of gathering up the fabric scraps in a bag or basket to be sold.
Another theory suggests that the term may have originated from the practice of stealing fabric scraps from the factory floor. Just as a thief might surreptitiously take a head of cabbage from a farmer's field, a worker might sneak away with a small piece of fabric. Over time, this may have led to the term "cabbage" being used to refer to any small scrap or remnant.
Regardless of its origins, the term "cabbage" has continued to be used in the textile industry to refer to small pieces of fabric. While these scraps may not be particularly valuable in and of themselves, they can be useful for patching up holes, adding decorative accents to other garments, or even creating entirely new garments. In this way, even the smallest pieces of fabric can be given new life and purpose.
In conclusion, the term "cabbage" has an interesting history in the textile industry. While its exact origins may be unclear, it is likely that the word was originally used to refer to small scraps of fabric that were sold or repurposed in some way. Today, the term "cabbage" continues to be used to refer to small pieces of fabric, and these scraps can still be valuable in their own right, even if they are not large enough to make a full garment.